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Employment Support Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 23 September 2021

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Questions (299)

Brendan Griffin


299. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Social Protection if the terms of the new regional model proposed to replace local employment services will be reviewed in view of considerable fears of contracts being unviable and other identified flaws in the model that could see a disincentive for service providers to prioritise long-term unemployed persons with assistance; her views on the fact that rewarding progression into employment only is too narrow a measurement of progress; if her attention has been drawn to the value of walk-in services under local employment schemes and is of the view that the loss of this element of the service would be regressive; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45834/21]

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My Department is currently at an advanced stage of the first phase of procuring new employment services. This phase involves the procurement of employment services for seven counties in the Midlands and North-West across four lots. These counties do not have an existing local employment service and represent the first phase of an expansion of employment services.

The funding approach for the new service awards approximately ninety percent of fees to providers when clients commence their engagement and agree their personal progression plan. The latter requires a tailored approach for each client and can contain progression towards employment, which may involve participation on relevant education, training or other programmes.

Phase two will take on board the learnings of the first phase and apply these to subsequent Requests for Tenders that will expand this model throughout the rest of the State. This is a significant expansion of employment services and will result in State-wide coverage of employment services for those furthest from the labour market for the first time.

In relation to walk-ins, my Department has always supported engagements with clients who are not on a jobseeker's payment. The new model will continue to support engagement with these clients. Under the RES model, they will also benefit from an assessment from an Intreo case officer as to the most appropriate service for each client depending on their individual needs and requirements.

I understand and appreciate the concerns in the sector at the changes to the Local Employment Service model. However, existing service providers with a strong track record and a willingness to cooperate with others in the sector, will be well-placed to submit high-quality tenders for the new services. The new model and its associated procurement process is accessible to the community and voluntary sectors, including through lower financial requirements and a significant emphasis on service quality. Phase two will take on board the learnings from the phase one procurement.

I trust this clarifies the position for the Deputy.
