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Waste Management

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 28 September 2021

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Questions (237)

Thomas Gould


237. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications if details of the destination of waste shipped from waste management facilities in Cork city will be provided. [46695/21]

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Dublin City Council is designated as the National Competent Authority for the export, import and transit of waste shipments under S.I. No. 419 of 2007 Waste Management (Shipments of Waste) Regulations, 2007. These Regulations give effect to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006 on transfrontier shipments of waste, which sets out notification procedures, specifies waste listings and strengthens enforcement provisions in relation to waste movements within, into and out of the European Union. Provisions of the Waste Shipment Regulation require that all exports of waste from the European Union destined for disposal shall be prohibited. The enforcement and monitoring of shipments of waste to and from Ireland is maintained by the National Transfrontier Shipments Office (NTFSO) within Dublin City Council, which monitors and enforces these requirements and maintains statistics and information on shipments of waste to and from Ireland.

The NTFSO maintains records for all amber list waste import and export shipments which take place in a particular calendar year. A record is also maintained of all green list waste returns filed with the office by registered brokers/dealers. These lists provide details on the destination country associated with the respective shipments. The NTFSO Waste Registers are available at the following link
