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Community Employment Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 29 September 2021

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Questions (146)

Bríd Smith


146. Deputy Bríd Smith asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will clarify the situation of persons placed on a community employment scheme and in situations in which such a scheme may mean working alongside members the public or categories of at risk persons, if the placement officer responsible for the placement must ensure the person being placed on the scheme has been vaccinated against Covid-19; if the responsibility in this area lies elsewhere; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [47072/21]

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Community Employment (CE) is an active labour market programme providing eligible long-term unemployed people and other disadvantaged persons with an opportunity to engage in useful work within their communities on a temporary, fixed term basis.

As the Deputy is aware, as with most other sectors of society, CE schemes have been impacted by the public health restrictions introduced since the onset of COVID-19.  My priority has continued to be that CE schemes and CE participants have been fully supported throughout this period.  CE participants, whose contracts were due to end during periods of public health restrictions, had their contracts extended on a number of occasions, most recently up to the end of October 2021.

With the successful roll-out of the vaccine programme and in line with Government plans for the full re-opening of the economy, under 'Reframing the Challenge, Continuing Our Recovery and Reconnecting’ my priority and the priority of the Department is to have all CE schemes back providing normal services and supports to long-term unemployed CE participants while delivering essential services to their local communities.

CE sponsoring authorities are the legal employers of their supervisors, assistant supervisors and participants.  Department officials have continued to remind CE sponsors, that as employers and service providers they need to fully adhere to COVID - 19 public health guidelines.

My Department officials cannot ask CE candidates whether they are vaccinated prior to being referred to CE schemes, as to do so would run counter to data protection and other privacy rights.  While every resident over 12 years of age in Ireland is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, the Deputy is aware that it is not compulsory to do so.

All employers and service providers operating in the community sector including CE sponsoring authorities continue to face challenges as the economy and society begins to recover from COVID-19.  My Department officials will continue to support CE sponsors in the delivery of the wider CE programme throughout this period.

I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.
