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Greenways Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 29 September 2021

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Questions (80)

Bernard Durkan


80. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Transport the efforts currently being made to approve and install only gates that allow universal access to persons with disabilities and users of non-standard bikes by specifying access for bicycle vehicles in accordance with the UK LTN 1/2020 Cycle Infrastructure Design along popular greenways and prominent cycle routes throughout the country; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47188/21]

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As Minister for Transport, I have overall responsibility for setting Guidelines for the Construction and Maintenance of Road infrastructure, including for Greenways and Active Travel.  Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) have certain powers for National Roads and the National Transport Authority (NTA) have certain powers for the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) in relation to traffic and public transport. 

As part of the increased rollout of such infrastructure I have convened a group to oversee and co-ordinate overall guidelines and standards.  This includes work under way by my Department in relation to the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) and the Traffic Signs Manual, by the NTA in relation to the National Cycle Manual and the TII in respect of Greenways.  It should be noted that a review of the National Cycle Manual is being undertaken by the NTA and that the revised document will incorporate/reference all relevant cycle design standards for both urban and rural areas.  This group will engage with stakeholders as part of it work. 

A specific element of the work of the oversight group is a request, by me, to examine the issue of access controls on Greenways and other Cycle Infrastructure. I will pass on the suggestion to consider the UK guidelines in this regard to the group.  It is my aim to provide Universal Access to Greenways and thus to ensure that people on wheelchairs, people on all types of bicycles as well as people with buggies can access the great outdoor amenity that Greenways provide.
