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Defence Forces

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 30 September 2021

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Questions (243)

Bernard Durkan


243. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Defence the steps being taken to address reported incidents of bullying or sexual abuse in the Defence Forces; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47422/21]

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I listened with concern to the women who recounted their experiences on the Women of Honour programme on RTE Radio on the 11 September 2021.

On Tuesday of this week, I met with participants from the Women of Honour group and with a group of serving female members of the Defence Forces, where I had the opportunity to listen carefully to their experiences, in what were very informative meetings.  I would like to express my deep appreciation to the women, both former and serving members, for highlighting this serious matter and for taking the time to meet with me.  Participants from the Women of Honour group met with the Secretary General and a senior official from my Department last Thursday and I understand this was also a productive meeting.

It is clear to me, the Chief of Staff, and the Secretary General that there are very strong views that the culture that is pervading, and the application of the current policies, systems and procedures in place for dealing with bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault have not, and are not, serving all Defence Forces personnel well.  I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to anyone who has suffered during their time in the Defence Forces and to assure them that the State will carry out an Independent Review, which will be undertaken by external and entirely independent and unbiased experts in this field.  This Review will examine the effectiveness of these policies, systems and procedures. 

The terms of the Review, which are in the process of being finalised, are being reviewed in light of  recent meetings with the Women of Honour group and with serving female personnel.  Further engagement with the Women of Honour Group on the Terms of the Review is proposed.  In addition engagement with other stakeholders, including with the Representative Associations, is also scheduled, and will additionally inform the terms.

The Commission on Defence Forces established in December 2020, is due to report by end December 2021 and their views will additionally be an important aid to the Independent Review.

Finally, I wish to assure the Deputy that I, as Minister, and both the Chief of Staff and the Secretary General are fully committed to ensuring that each and every single member of the Defence Forces, both male and female, has the right to be treated with respect, equality and dignity and to carry out their duties in a safe workplace, underpinned by a culture of zero-tolerance for any kind of bullying, discrimination, or harassment.
