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Foreshore Issues

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 October 2021

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Questions (309)

Matt Shanahan


309. Deputy Matt Shanahan asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage , further to Parliamentary Question No. 97 of 28 September, the details of both the approved application and the pre-applications that are currently being considered; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48152/21]

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Details of applications and determinations under the foreshore act, including the relevant foreshore licences granted to Energia, are on my website and can be viewed at the following link:

One application for a foreshore licence for site investigations linked to the proposed development of a windfarm in the Celtic Sea from SSE Renewables received in 2019 is currently being assessed, and details of this application are available on my Department’s website.

In addition, there are currently eleven pre-applications associated with licences for site investigation activity relating to potential offshore renewable energy infrastructure projects currently being reviewed within my Department relating to the south east coasts. Pre-appplication engagement is without prejudice to the outcome of the assessment process and is conducted to ensure as far as possible that the applicant has considered all potential impacts both positive and negative of their proposal and that the formal application will be as complete as possible. The applicant is expected to undertake stakeholder engagement i.e. pre-application consultations with relevant bodies recommended during this stage of the process.

Following the pre-application review process it is envisaged that these will become formal foreshore licence applications under section 3 of the Foreshore Act 1933 and will be the subject of a public consultation. Details of these applications will be published on my Department’s website with the commencement of public consultations for these cases.
