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Youth Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 October 2021

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Questions (481)

Thomas Pringle


481. Deputy Thomas Pringle asked the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if he plans to increase funding for resources for young persons and youth services in line with proposals by an organisation (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47770/21]

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The allocations under Budget 2022 are being considered by Government in the context of the annual Estimates process for 2022. As this process is ongoing, the Deputy will appreciate that it would not be appropriate for me to comment at this stage.

In recent years, funding for the provision of youth services has increased on an annual basis. Between the years 2016 and 2021 the annual current youth funding available to my Department has increased from €51.9 million to €66.79 million.

It is now more critical than ever that our young people are supported as they experience the social, economic, physical and mental health impacts of the pandemic. In recognition of the vital role played by youthwork services in providing such support to young people, funding levels have been maintained throughout the current challenging period. This has enabled the youth sector to continue to provide supports to young people, particularly to marginalised, disadvantaged and vulnerable young people.

As we begin to move beyond the pandemic I am committed to supporting this important sector, which has enormous value to the many young people involved and from a broader social and economic viewpoint.
