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Disability Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 October 2021

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Questions (494)

Violet-Anne Wynne


494. Deputy Violet-Anne Wynne asked the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if he will consider establishing a commission or a cross-party working group on ableism; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48253/21]

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I share the Deputy's view that ableism, as with other forms of discrimination, must be challenged.

The Equal Status Acts 2000 - 2018 prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities in accessing goods and services. In addition, the Employment Equality Acts 1998 - 2015, prohibit discrimination on the grounds of disability in employment, including vocational training and work experience. The National Disability Inclusion Strategy provides a comprehensive framework for action to address the barriers faced by people with disabilities, including the importance of challenging attitudes to disability. The Strategy is monitored by a Strategy Committee which includes representatives of disability organisations and of a wide range of Government Departments and key public bodies such as the HSE.

In light of the existing statutory position and the wider work of my Department in addressing the barriers and challenges faced by people with disabilities, I have no plans to establish a commission or working group on the lines suggested by the Deputy.
