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Medical Cards

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 7 October 2021

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Questions (126)

Ivana Bacik


126. Deputy Ivana Bacik asked the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if he will provide an update on the work undertaken to date to fulfil obligations arising from an amendment to a private members motion on the Mother and Baby Homes Commission which was passed and provides an entitlement to a full medical card for all persons that spent any time in a mother and baby home. [48517/21]

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The Deputy will be aware that, as part of its response to the Final Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes (and Certain Related Matters), the Government committed to establishing a Restorative Recognition Scheme for survivors of Mother and Baby and County Home Institutions. The Scheme will include a financial payment and a form of enhanced medical card.

An Interdepartmental Group (IDG) was set up to develop detailed proposals for the Scheme, taking account of the recommendations of the Commission but not limited to those recommendations. The work of the IDG has been guided by a human rights focus and informed by consultation with survivors which took place during March and April.

As the proposals for the Scheme have not yet been agreed by Government I cannot provide specific detail regarding eligibility for enhanced medical cards at this point.

I understand how important this Scheme is to many former residents and I look forward to bringing proposals to Cabinet for approval in October. When Cabinet approval for a Scheme is received, my Department will continue the significant work necessary to establish this Scheme and make it available for applications as soon as possible in 2022.
