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Employment Support Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 7 October 2021

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Questions (17)

Joan Collins


17. Deputy Joan Collins asked the Minister for Social Protection if the terms of reference of the procurement tender in relation to the request for tender of the Regional Employment Service in four geographical lots in the north-west and midlands will involve showing evidence of the ability to deposit funds against a failure to deliver on the tender. [48534/21]

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My Department published a request for tenders on the 26 May last to introduce the new Regional Employment Services model into seven counties where a Local Employment Service does not exist. We are now at an advanced stage in its first phase of a two-phase procurement of new employment services. This procurement process follows extensive consultations by my Department with the existing service providers over the last number of years.

I can assure the Deputy that, under these requests for tender, there is no requirement to lodge any funds against potential underperformance for the new Regional Employment Service.

The request for tender under Phase one, lays out the appropriate means of addressing underperformance by a service-provider. A Remediation Plan would detail the steps required to address the underperformance, with the provision of up to eight weeks to resolve these issues. Following this, the Department has sole discretion to take appropriate action up to and including the termination of contract. Needless to say, my Department would make every effort to ensure service-providers will deliver the employment services they are contracted to deliver. In the event that it is not possible to satisfactorily resolve service issues my Department will put contingency measures in place to ensure continuity of service for the long-term unemployed and other clients.

The second phase of procurement is to commence shortly and will see the Regional Employment Service model rolled out across the State. It will take on board the learnings from the first phase. This is a significant expansion of employment services and will result in State-wide coverage of employment services for those furthest from the labour market for the first time.

My Department has a strong track record in working with service-providers in a constructive and pragmatic manner to ensure the delivery of services to those who need them most. This will continue under the new employment service models.
