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Social Welfare Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 7 October 2021

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Questions (263)

Michael Creed


263. Deputy Michael Creed asked the Minister for Social Protection the household income for a retired married couple with regard to eligibility for the fuel allowance; and the way bank savings are calculated in this regard. [48889/21]

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The Fuel Allowance is a payment of €28.00 per week for 28 weeks (a total of €784 each year) from October to April, to 370,000 low income households, at an estimated cost of €300 million in 2021. The purpose of this payment is to assist these households with their energy costs. The allowance represents a contribution towards the energy costs of a household. It is not intended to meet those costs in full. Only one allowance is paid per household.

The criteria for Fuel Allowance are framed in order to direct the limited resources available to my Department in as targeted a manner as possible. All recipients of non-contributory payments are accepted as satisfying the means-test for fuel. People who are in receipt of a qualifying contributory payment must also satisfy a means test.

An applicant and members of his/her household may have a combined assessable income of up to €100.00 a week above the appropriate maximum State Pension (Contributory) rate. The following assessable income limits therefore apply for a married couple

- €513.70 for a couple, where the qualified spouse / civil partner /cohabitant is under 66 years (€100 plus €248.30 plus €165.40).

- €570.80 for a couple, where the qualified spouse / civil partner / cohabitant is 66 years or over (€100 plus €248.30 plus €222.50).

Extra allowances are available in the case of applicants in receipt of the Over 80 Allowance, an Increase Qualified Child (IQC) rate and where they are in receipt of the Increase for Living on a Specified Island.

The standard capital means assessment rules for State Pension (Contributory) purposes apply to Fuel Allowance applicants who have capital. Income from capital, for example, property, savings and investments, is included in the mean test. An applicant may have capital/savings of up to €57,999 (i.e., equivalent to €100.00 a week under capital means assessment rules) in addition to income of up to the maximum State Pension rate, and still be eligible to receive a Fuel Allowance.

The Formula for calculating Means is as follows:-

- First €20,000- no means

- Next €10,000- €1 per €1000

- Next €10,000- €2 per €1000

- Excess of €40,000- €4 per €1000

Any extension of the fuel allowance qualifying criteria, such as increasing the allowable means for fuel allowance purposes can only be considered while taking account of the overall budgetary context and the availability of financial resources.

I hope this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.
