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Rural Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 14 October 2021

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Questions (26)

Paul Murphy


26. Deputy Paul Murphy asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development if her Department has plans to support rural information support services and assist those in rural communities to access supports they are entitled to. [50088/21]

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My Department's mission is “To promote rural and community development and to support vibrant, inclusive and sustainable communities throughout Ireland". A key part of achieving this mission is ensuring that those most in need are able to access services and supports and that we deliver outcomes that positively impact the quality of life of those living and working in our communities. This has been of particular importance during the COVID-19 pandemic, where ongoing communication has assisted us in identifying supports or funding needs and the most appropriate remedial or proactive measures that can be taken in response.

One example of proactive interaction with communities was the delivery in 2019, in conjunction with Pobal, of a series of 'Helping Hands' events nationwide, to engage with communities and create awareness and understanding of our funding programmes. Feedback from these interactions was very positive, and it is hoped that similar events can be scheduled again the future based on the public health advice going forward.

My Department has also commissioned Pobal to commence work on a scoping exercise for a centralised grantee database which could be a useful mechanism to increase visibility of funding being provided across Government.

In respect of wider entitlements or supports available to individuals in rural communities across other Government Departments, the Citizens Information Service plays an important role in providing free advisory and information services to citizens, while information on individual schemes is also available on the portal.
