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Health Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 19 October 2021

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Questions (113)

John Brady


113. Deputy John Brady asked the Minister for Health the status in relation to the expansion of the newborn screening programme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50842/21]

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The expansion of the National Newborn Bloodspot Screening Programme is a priority for me.

In 2020, I approved the addition of a condition known as ADA-SCID to this programme. The HSE are currently progressing implementation of this expansion, which will bring the total number of conditions screened to nine.

Decisions on changes to population-based screening programmes are made on the advice and recommendation of the National Screening Advisory Committee.  

This independent expert group considers and assesses evidence in a robust and transparent manner, and against internationally accepted criteria. This ensures that policy decisions are informed by the best available evidence and advice and that we can be confident that our national programmes are effective, quality assured and operating to safe standards.

The expansion of the Newborn Bloodspot Programme is a priority on the work programme of the Committee.

The Committee commissioned HIQA to review the processes in use internationally to inform the expansion of newborn bloodspot programmes. The report of this review was considered by the Committee in May of this year and subsequently published by HIQA.

The Committee has concluded that there are several potential conditions that could be selected for consideration and evidence assessment by HIQA. This work is being progressed by the Committee in consultation with my Department and the HSE, and with the involvement of clinical experts, patient advocates and other key stakeholders.

In addition, I am pleased that the National Screening Advisory Committee is currently finalising plans for its first ‘annual call’ for submissions from the public on changes to our population-based screening programmes.

This process will be launched in the coming weeks and will give a further opportunity for the public, as well as the HSE and health professionals, to make suggestions on new screening programmes, or changes to existing ones such as the Newborn Bloodspot Screening Programme.
