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School Admissions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 20 October 2021

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Questions (143)

Ruairí Ó Murchú


143. Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú asked the Minister for Education the number of schools that currently comply with the Education Act 2018 and the aims to make the rules around admissions to schools more structured, fair and transparent by county in tabular form; and the number of schools yet to comply with these rules. [51608/21]

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All recognised schools are required to comply fully with the act. The overall objective of the Act is to provide a framework for school enrolment that is designed to ensure that every child is treated fairly and that the way in which schools decide on applications for admission is structured, fair and transparent. The new arrangement also involve new appeal procedures for applicants where they were unsuccessful in gaining a place in a particular school.

My Department does not compile the information requested by the Deputy.
