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Departmental Programmes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 October 2021

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Questions (252)

Rose Conway-Walsh


252. Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh asked the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science the details of the Climate Ready Programme; the various types of programmes, the total allocation for 2022, the anticipated cost per participating worker and the planned objectives and outcomes of the programme; the anticipated duration of each; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [51830/21]

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Launched in April this year, Climate Ready is a five-year national climate upskilling initiative developed by Skillnet Ireland in partnership with Chambers Ireland, Wind Energy Ireland and Sustainable Finance Ireland and Central Solutions.  Its objectives are to support Government policy outlined in the Climate Action Plan and Low Carbon Development Bill, and to equip businesses with the talent to manage climate change and prepare for the transition to a low carbon economy.

Climate Ready includes three complementary strands:

- the Climate Ready Academy which offers a suite of practical and specialised learning supports for businesses;

- the Climate Ready Cluster which links those Skillnet Business Networks already delivering substantial expertise for Irish businesses in renewable energy and green technology; environmental, water and energy management; and sustainable finance; and

- Climate Ready Insights, a centralised platform dedicated to helping businesses advance their thinking and actions around sustainable practices and climate change.

It is expected that Climate Ready will support some 1,100 companies and 3,000 workers in 2021.  A wide range of talent programmes in renewable energy and green technology; environmental, water and energy management; and sustainable finance are available from the Climate Change Academy.  These programmes vary in duration ranging from short programmes to longer-term accredited programmes, and similarly vary in cost per programme and participant.  Further information on the programmes available under Climate Ready can be found at

My officials will be engaging with Skillnet Ireland in relation to its allocation for 2022, including the budget for the Climate Ready Initiative, in the coming weeks.
