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Regeneration Projects

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 April 2022

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Questions (118)

Cathal Crowe


118. Deputy Cathal Crowe asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the status of a town and village renewal scheme application by a centre (details supplied). [17843/22]

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The Town and Village Renewal Scheme aims to assist with the rejuvenation of rural towns and villages throughout Ireland, making them more attractive places to live, work and visit.

In line with the commitment in Our Rural Future, the 2021 scheme prioritised the renovation of derelict and vacant buildings in our town centres, with a view to bringing these buildings back into use. The scale of projects eligible under the scheme was also increased with funding of up to €500,000 available.

Under the 2021 scheme, each Local Authority was invited to submit up to 8 projects to the Department for consideration. Selection of projects for submission to the Department was a matter for each Local Authority to determine.

Almost 191 applications were received under the 2021 Town and Village Renewal Scheme and the level of funding sought far exceeded the available budget. Funding under the Scheme was awarded on a competitive basis, with all applications being assessed for suitability for funding.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to fund all of the proposals received and the application referred to by the Deputy was not among the 99 successful projects approved for funding of almost €18.3 million that I announced on 25th February.

It should be noted however that the opportunity is open to the community to review their application and resubmit to the Local Authority for consideration under the 2022 scheme which will be announced shortly, or alternatively to look at other avenues for funding a project like this proposal such as through LEADER or the Community Enhancement Programme.

Question No. 119 answered with Question No. 98.