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Legislative Measures

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 26 April 2022

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Questions (394)

Cathal Crowe


394. Deputy Cathal Crowe asked the Minister for Transport if he will consider introducing a law to make it compulsory for motorists to have a first aid kit and fire extinguisher in their vehicles; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20444/22]

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Action 105 of the Road Safety Strategy 2013-2020 undertook to examine the feasibility of requiring all vehicles to carry safety equipment, including fire extinguisher, red triangle and first aid kit.

Extensive research was carried out by the Road Safety Authority in 2016-2017, and information was sought from other European countries. The research noted that all of the safest European countries, except the UK, require motorists to carry a warning triangle, and only Norway require them to carry a high-visibility vest. None of these countries require any further safety equipment.

A number of legal issues were identified as part of the feasibility study, including the creation of an offence for either not carrying the equipment, or not using it when needed, and difficulties in enforcing the carrying of safety equipment. There were also issues around whether the owner or the driver (or both) of a vehicle would be committing an offence if a vehicle did not carry the required safety equipment. Further concerns were raised around the standard of equipment which motorists would purchase if minimum standards were not laid down in legislation, which in turn could lead to further enforcement difficulties.

For these reasons it was agreed that while it is a good idea for vehicles to carry basic safety equipment, it was not feasible to set it down in legislation. However, notwithstanding this, the RSA’s Car Safety Checks leaflet available at, strongly recommends that motorists carry an emergency kit consisting of a high viz vest, torch, red triangle, de-icing equipment and first aid kit.
