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Hare Coursing

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 May 2022

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Questions (327)

Paul Murphy


327. Deputy Paul Murphy asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage in relation to the hare coursing meeting in north County Kilkenny on 17 December 2021, if the figure listed on the report that 47 hares were released after the event on 4 January 2022 is accurate and can be validated given that the report also states that 30 hares were observed (details supplied) . [22574/22]

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The total figure for the release of hares is provided by the Irish Coursing Club on the Hare Release Form that must be submitted to my Department after every coursing event.

It is not the practice, nor is it practical, for Departmental officials to supervise the release of every hare captured under licence. Hares are released back to areas in which they were caught; this can involve multiple locations for each club. The release of the 30 hares referenced was observed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service regional staff, with the balance, 17 hares, having been released under the supervision of a club official.
