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Forestry Sector

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 May 2022

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Questions (848)

Paul Kehoe


848. Deputy Paul Kehoe asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if the unlicensed planting of up to one hectare will form part of the Programme for Government target of 8,000 hectares; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22742/22]

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Forests are defined as areas which are 0.1 hectares or more in size and which have the capacity to reach at least five meters in height and with a minimum canopy cover of at least 20%. Ireland uses this definition as defined in the LULUCF regulation, that is forest areas are defined as 0.1 hectare in size, to account for all forest plots that meet, these criteria.

The target of 8,000 hectares of new afforestation per year as set out in the Climate Action Plan 2021 will include all DAFM tree planting measures that are 0.1 hectares or more in size.

As the Deputy may be aware, it is my objective to increase and encourage interest in small scale planting by removing the licensing requirement for areas not greater than one hectare, which may prove to be a barrier to such planting and be considered onerous and complex. Such an exemption for the creation of up to one hectare of native woodland would be available as part of a scheme which my Department intends to design and implement now that the required amendment to the Forestry Act 2014, has passed through the Houses of the Oireachtas through the vehicle of the Animal Health and Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2022. On 4th April 2022, the new legislation was signed into law by the president. These changes will facilitate the incorporation of additional small scale tree planting in agri-environment schemes.

The development of the scheme will be undertaken following the completion of a Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment, subject to the findings of both assessments. It is hoped that such a scheme will contribute to the stated policy goal of incentivising small-scale tree planting and of re-engaging farmers with afforestation.
