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Defence Forces

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 12 May 2022

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Questions (44)

Cathal Berry


44. Deputy Cathal Berry asked the Minister for Defence when the review on the Army Nursing Service will be completed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23794/22]

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The civil/military Joint Standing Committee on Medical Service Delivery is tasked with advancing the development of a sustainable, integrated medical service to meet the needs of the Defence Forces. As part of its work, it has committed to reviewing each key medical capability separately. The objective of each review is to evaluate and make recommendations regarding the most appropriate means of delivering each service to the Defence Forces. These reviews are conducted on an ongoing basis as the workload of the Committee allows.

A review of the Army Nursing Service commenced in March 2020. However the work of the Joint Standing Committee was impacted both by the onset of the Covid19 pandemic and the reassignment of civil and military members of the Committee. Whilst it was initially expected that the review would conclude by end 2021, these factors unavoidably delayed progress. The review will be progressed as expeditiously as possible.

The ongoing reviews of the range of medical services provided to the Defence Forces are an important tool in ensuring the provision of quality care to our personnel. I wish to assure the Deputy that this is a priority for me and civil/military management.
