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Departmental Staff

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 31 May 2022

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Questions (368)

Mary Lou McDonald


368. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Defence the number of staff employed in his Department by gender and by civil service salary scale in tabular form.; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27592/22]

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The table below provides a breakdown of the number of civil servants employed in my Department by gender and by pay grade at 23rd May 2022.




 Total Staff

 Secretary General




 Assistant Secretary








 Principal Officer




 Assistant Principal




Higher Executive Officer




 Administrative Officer




 Executive Officer




 Clerical Officer




 Service Officer








 Total Staff




This total figure of 385 is inclusive of 15 staff, of whom 8 are female and 7 male, employed to work directly for the Defence Forces at a number of military installations. 

In addition, my Department is currently funding the staffing of the Independent Review Group set up to examine dignity and equality issues in the Defence Forces.  This group is being headed by a retired judge (female) who is currently supported by 5 staff,  1 Assistant Principal (male)  1 Higher Executive Officer (female) 1 Administrative Officer (male) 1 Executive Officer (male) and 1 Temporary Clerical Officer (male).
