Under my Department’s grant scheme for the renewal or repair of a thatched roof, funding of up to €6,350, or 80% of the approved cost, whichever is the lesser, may be payable in respect of necessary works to renew or repair the thatched roofs of private houses situated on the mainland where the private owner holds a medical card. A higher level of assistance of up to €8,252 is available for houses on specified offshore islands, where the owner has a medical card. In the case of private owners without a medical card, funding of up to €3,810, or two thirds of the approved cost, whichever is the lesser, may be payable in respect of necessary works to renew or repair the thatched roofs of private houses situated on the mainland, rising to €5,714 where the house is situated on a specified off-shore island.
Eligibility under the grant scheme is contingent on the house being occupied as a normal place of residence on completion of the approved works. The age of the roof is not considered under this scheme and further details on eligibility and how to apply can be found on my Department's website at the following link:
My Department also provides funding for the Housing Adaptation Grant for Older People and People with a Disability scheme, which is a range of grants for necessary improvement works or adaptations to houses, in order to facilitate the continued independent occupancy of their own homes by older people and people with a disability. These schemes cover works reasonably necessary for the purposes of rendering a house more suitable for the accommodation of applicants, and could in those circumstances include the repair or replacement of roofing.
The schemes are administered by local authorities and details of the application process can be found on my Department's website at the following link:
Separately, my Department also oversees a number of schemes to assist in the conservation of protected structures, which may include repairs to historic roofing. These schemes are the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and the Historic Structures Fund. They are administered through the local authorities and details are available at the following link: