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Housing Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 6 July 2022

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Questions (70)

Steven Matthews


70. Deputy Steven Matthews asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage the position regarding the croí cónaithe towns scheme; the eligibility criteria; the process to apply for support; and if consideration has been given to increasing the cap to allow for inflationary pressure . [36459/22]

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Housing for All (published in September 2021) provides a new housing plan for Ireland to 2030 with the overall objective that every citizen in the State should have access to good quality homes through a steady supply of housing in the right locations, with economic, social and environmental sustainability built into the system. The strategy sets out, over four pathways, a broad suite of measures to achieve its policy objectives together with a financial commitment of in excess of €4 billion per annum. This strategy provides for a broad suite of measures including for first-time buyers.

The suite of measures under the pathway to addressing vacancy and efficient use of existing stock includes the Croí Cónaithe (Towns) Fund which will be delivered by local authorities for the provision of serviced sites for housing, to attract people to build their own homes and to support the refurbishment of vacant properties, enabling people to live in small towns and villages, in a sustainable way.

Details in relation to the operation of the Croí Cónaithe (Towns) Fund are at an advanced stage of development, including the scope and appropriate timeframes, and it will be launched shortly.
