With regard to the specific application about which the Deputy has enquired, this application is within the current average turnaround times and has not yet reached its issue-by date.
Turnaround times are estimates based on current average processing times, and apply to fully complete and correct applications. Applications that are incomplete will take longer.The turnaround time for first time applications was 30 working days at the time this application was made.
On 4 June 2022, 10 days prior to the original issue-by date, the Passport Service contacted the applicant’s parent to request a new consent form to include a landline number for the witness, as mobile numbers are not accepted.
The new consent form was registered by the Passport Service on 16 June 2022. 5 days prior to the new issue-by date, the Passport Service contacted the applicant’s parent again to advise that the witness was not contactable, and that a new consent form was needed.
The new consent form was registered by the Passport Service on 5 July 2022. The new estimated issue-by date for the application is 26 July 2022