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Departmental Expenditure

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 26 July 2022

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Questions (1355)

Mairéad Farrell


1355. Deputy Mairéad Farrell asked the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth the frequency with which he reviews the funding of an organisation (details supplied); and if he includes a review of the amount spent on legal fees by the organisation as part of his review; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40363/22]

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Funding to the organisation is made available on the basis of an annual application process. The funding provided relates solely to the activities and deliverables set out in the approved application. Funding with regard to litigation or legal fees has not been allocated or provided to the organisation referred to by the Deputy. Civil cases and their disposition are a matter for the organisation concerned.

My Department has strong governance processes in place regarding expenditure of public funds, and all funded youth organisations must meet the terms and conditions set out in relevant DCEDIY and DPER circulars pertaining to the management of grant funding. The overall principle is that there should be transparency and accountability in the management of public money, in line with economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

It is a funding condition that all bodies in receipt of grant funding are subject to audit by the Internal Audit Unit of my Department and the Comptroller and Auditor General, its agents, or any agent of my Department or agent of the grant administering body, noting that this includes verification visits and reporting by my Department’s agents (e.g. Pobal). In addition, annual signed audited accounts/financial statements must be submitted to my Department each year.
