As the Deputy may be aware, on 31 March, 2022, I sought expressions of interests from suitably qualified candidates for appointment to the Firearms Expert Committee. This call was published on the website of my Department and shared with various stakeholder organisations, including the organisation referred to by the Deputy.
The Committee is made up of five members: an independent Chairperson, a representative of An Garda Síochána, a representative of the Department and two non-governmental Ordinary Members having experience of firearms. This structure was chosen to give balanced representation to both governmental and non-governmental stakeholders.
As advised in the expression of interest document, the Ordinary Members of the Committee have been appointed on a personal basis only and not as formal representatives of a particular body or group. I would point out, however, that both of the Ordinary Members appointed are, or have been, members of national firearms organisations, including the organisation referred to by the Deputy. I also discussed the Committee with the organisation referred to by the Deputy at a meeting I held with its representatives in April.
The call for expressions of interest was administered by officials in my Department, who will also act as the Secretariat to the Committee. In total, 14 applications were received for the position of Chairperson and 34 for the positions of Ordinary Member.
Given the number of well-qualified applicants, I requested that shortlists of candidates be prepared for final consideration. These shortlists were prepared by assessing applications against the suitability indicators listed in the expression of interest document. After careful consideration, I then selected the candidates for appointment from these shortlists.
Following the selection process for appointment to the Committee, Ms. Emma Meagher Neville was selected for the position of Chairperson. Ms. Meagher Neville qualified as a solicitor in 1998 and is currently the Vice President of the Southern Law Association (SLA) and a Council member of the Law Society of Ireland. Mr. Paul Walsh and Mr. Fabian Connolly, both Registered Firearms Dealers with extensive experience in different types of shooting, have been selected for the positions of Ordinary Member. Superintendent Brian Murphy was nominated to represent An Garda Síochána on the Committee and Mr. John Guinane, the Firearms Range Inspector, has been appointed to represent the Department. The first meeting of the Committee was held today, 26 July, 2022.
The Committee will serve in a Ministerial advisory capacity and bring together the expertise necessary to carry out an assessment of all types of firearms to determine their current use under the existing licensing system and their suitability for future licensing. In doing so, it will give consideration to areas that can be the source of inconsistency in licensing decisions, and it is intended that its report will provide authoritative guidance for use by my Department and An Garda Síochána in future licensing matters. In line with its terms of reference, the Committee is tasked with making recommendations on these matters for subsequent consideration by the Minister.
However, the Committee will not be the only consultation with firearms stakeholders in the coming period. Justice Plan 2022 contains a commitment to undertake an extensive review aimed at modernising the firearms legislation. Within the plan, Action 34.3 outlines a commitment to identify all outstanding issues requiring reform in the management and processing of firearms licensing. In advance of any new or amending measures being introduced, I will be seeking to consult all relevant stakeholders in respect of this work.
Furthermore, recognising the skills and experience demonstrated in the expressions of interest received for appointment to the Committee, I am considering establishing new avenues for consultation with firearms stakeholders, especially with those who have unique and specialist insights into firearms matters. To this end, I directed the secretary of the Firearms Expert Committee to seek permission from persons who expressed an interest in being appointed to the Committee to engage with them further.
The regulatory structure around firearms in Ireland would benefit from modernisation in various areas. The work of the Committee will contribute towards this process, to the benefit of firearms owners and other members of the public alike, and I am sure that the Committee, under its independent Chairperson, will consider how best to ensure that the views of everyone with an interest in firearms matters in Ireland are taken into account in its deliberations.