Established under the National Development Plan and a key element of Project Ireland 2040, the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) was launched in 2018 to support more compact and sustainable development within the existing built-up footprints of Ireland’s five cities and other large towns. In line with the objectives of the National Planning Framework, the URDF is making a significant contribution to the regeneration and rejuvenation of these areas with a view to ensuring that more parts of our urban areas become attractive and vibrant places in which people choose to live and work, as well as to invest and to visit.
Following calls for proposals in 2018 and 2020, the URDF is currently providing assistance for 132 projects. To date, €314m has been allocated in respect of the 87 projects approved under Call 1. A further €1.325 billion of URDF funding support has been provisionally allocated to an additional 45 proposals approved under Call 2.
The table below lists the 132 projects approved under Call 1 and Call 2, together with the up-to-date provisional URDF funding allocations per project. This list also includes the 7 Non-Local Authority Sponsoring Authorities who received funding under Call 1.