In line with best practice in governance, an increasing focus on fraud prevention, protection for farmers and advisors, audit findings and continuing investigations, the Department has implemented improved procedures for transfers of payment entitlements.
A central part of these protections for all involved in transfers is the implementation of independent third party witnessing of signatures of farmers transferring out entitlements. In such circumstances, where the farmer’s advisor is uploading the transfer application for their client there is now the requirement for an approved witness to be used.
It is important to note that all other forms remain the same, and that this is the regarded as the minimum effective measure to afford the protections needed. As an example, in the case where a client is using an Entitlement Transfer Facilitator to upload the transfer, then the advisor can sign as witness because they are an independent, third-party witness.
I am aware of the pressures that farmers, advisors and all involved in applications for farm payments are currently experiencing, but also that improvements in protections for farmers and all involved are also required. The Department has ensured that two of the four authorised roles for the witnessing of signatures operate free of charge so as to minimise any additional costs.