The Deputy may be aware that the first confirmed finding of Ash Dieback Disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineaus) in Ireland was made on 12th October 2012 at a forestry plantation site which had been planted in 2009 with trees imported from continental Europe.
In March 2013, the Department introduced a Reconstitution Scheme (Chalara Ash Dieback) to restore forests planted under the afforestation scheme which had suffered from, or which were associated with plants affected by disease.
Following a Review of the National Response to Ash Dieback Disease arising from scientific advice and evidence that eradication of ash dieback disease is no longer feasible the Reconstitution and Underplanting Scheme (Ash Dieback) was launched in June 2020.
A total of €875,476 has been expended by my Department on the RUS scheme since it opened in 2020, involving interventions on 525 hectares. A total of 974 applications have been received representing 3720 hectares with 390 approved for an area of 1239 hectares. Those with outstanding applications will have the opportunity to opt into the new Scheme proposed under the new Forestry Programme, subject to State Aid approval.
In March, an Interim Reconstitution Scheme for Ash Dieback via general de minimis was introduced which contains a doubling of site clearance rates, increased grant rates and an improved premium regime. This allowed those who have valid existing approvals where work has not commenced to opt into the Scheme which includes the following enhanced features:
• 100% increase in the site clearance grant rate from €1,000 to €2,000.
• Enhanced grant rates as per draft Forestry programme 2023-2027
• Those applicants whose sites are still in premium will continue to receive the premium due for the remaining years.
• In addition, for those in receipt of farmer rate of premium, a top up premium equal to the difference between the equivalent forestry type and the existing premium will be paid. This will be calculated for the remaining years left in premium and paid in a single sum.
Some 18 applications representing 74 hectares have been approved under the interim scheme for the reconstitution of ash dieback.
In total €9.2 million has been expended to date on schemes to deal with ash dieback with interventions made on 2338 hectares.