Darren O'Rourke
Question:1032. Deputy Darren O'Rourke asked the Minister for Social Protection the number of full-time community welfare officers employed in Meath in 2022 and to date in 2023, in tabular form. [38437/23]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Monday - 11 September 2023
1032. Deputy Darren O'Rourke asked the Minister for Social Protection the number of full-time community welfare officers employed in Meath in 2022 and to date in 2023, in tabular form. [38437/23]
View answerThe delivery of crucial and locally based Community Welfare Services to meet the challenges and the needs of citizens across County Meath is a priority for me and for my Department. There are 5 Community Welfare Officers (CWOs) engaged in the delivery of Community Welfare Services in County Meath, of which 4 are CWOs working face-to-face with clients in Navan, Kells and Trim, and the remaining CWO is mostly engaged in claims processing work but is also available to meet with clients as required. There were 5 CWOs in County Meath in 2022 also.
If a person is unable to travel to these locations in County Meath, a CWO can make arrangements to meet with the person at a mutually agreed location, including at their home.
While local face-to-face engagement with clients continues to be a cornerstone of the CWS, it is important to mention that a person does not need to meet with a CWO to make an application for assistance and any person, located anywhere across the Country, who needs to access the CWS can call the National CWS freephone number at 0818 60 70 80, to make an appointment or to speak directly to a CWO.
CWOs working on the national phoneline are dealing now with approximately 2,000 callers per week. This service is proving very popular with customers in rural areas who can have all their community welfare needs met without the requirement to travel.
As you may be aware, a person can also now apply online for an Additional Needs Payment (ANP) via www.MyWelfare.ie. This service means that there is no requirement for a person to travel to make a claim if that is their preference.
Alternatively, a person can make an application for Supplementary Welfare Allowance (SWA) by completing a SWA1 form which is available in all Intreo Centres and Social Welfare Branch Offices. This form can also be requested by calling freephone 0818 60 70 80 or at this link www.eforms.gov.ie/en/forms/5. The completed application form together with any supporting documentation should be returned to Community Welfare Services, Western Support Team, PO Box 13599, Galway, Freepost FGA 7634 where the claim will be processed through its initial stages promptly and assigned to a local CWO to finalise. If any further clarification or information is required on a claim the person will be contacted directly by community welfare staff.
The CWS continues to provide a flexible service to meet the different needs of customers, who may find themselves in a financially difficult or vulnerable situation. It is important that this service is easily accessible and responsive to our client’s needs.
I trust this clarifies the matter.