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Transport Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 March 2024

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Questions (178)

Richard Bruton


178. Deputy Richard Bruton asked the Minister for Transport if he has considered the possibility of creating a digital platform for people living in isolated areas where public service transport is not feasible to access rides either by volunteers or on a cost covering basis; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [13534/24]

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As Minister for Transport, I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport.

The National Transport Authority (NTA) has statutory responsibility for securing the provision of public passenger transport services nationally. The NTA also has national responsibility for integrated local and rural transport, including TFI Local Link services, the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan and the rollout of new Town services.

Under Connecting Ireland, the NTA is examining the potential for non-conventional public transport services in rural areas, including the Smart (app-based) Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) pilot. For rural areas, it has the potential to integrate ‘first and last mile’ connections, reduce vehicle emissions and mitigate some of the risks of scheduled services while providing access to more places for more people.

In light of the NTA's responsibilities for public transport services in rural areas nationwide, and the Smart DRT pilot, I have referred your question to the NTA for direct reply to you. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a reply within ten working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 51.