Catherine Murphy
Question:207. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Education the date on which a letter of intent to start work at a school will issue; and the reason for the delay in issuing same. [13431/24]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 March 2024
207. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Education the date on which a letter of intent to start work at a school will issue; and the reason for the delay in issuing same. [13431/24]
View answerThe major project referred to by the Deputy is at Architectural Planning Stage 3 – Tender Action and Award.
The Department’s planning and building unit is currently assessing its work programme and priorities for 2024 in the context of overall requirements. The large scale capital project remains a priority for delivery.
A tender report is under review by Department Officials. When this review is complete my Department will be in contact with the School Authority and the Design Team to progress the project and to authorise the issue of the Letter of Intent to the lowest tenderer. Until the contractor is appointed it is not possible to provide an estimated completion date. However once the contractor has been appointed, it is expected that it will take approximately 15 months to complete the project.