Thomas Gould
Question:394. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage for an updated timeline for completion of the NWQR in Cork. [18916/24]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 April 2024
394. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage for an updated timeline for completion of the NWQR in Cork. [18916/24]
View answerThe detailed advancement of housing and other works under the Cork City North West Quarter Regeneration (CNWQR) programme is a matter, in the first instance, for Cork City Council.
The CNWQR Masterplan & Implementation Report was published in 2011. The strategy outlined a departure from previous policy, with a proposal to carry out wholesale demolition of the housing stock in Knocknaheeny that has not been the subject of previous refurbishment works.
To date 121 units have been completed in Phases 1A (24 units), 1B (29 units), 1D (West) (21 units), and 2A (47 units) of this programme.
A further 103 units are scheduled for completion in Q4 2024, namely; Phase 1C (41 homes), Phase 2B (38 homes).
Phase 2C (24 units) is the subject of complex contractual negotiations which will likely delay the intended completion date for this project.
Phases 4A (43 units) and 3B (62 units) received Part 8 Planning approval and are expected to commence on site in 2025. Planning approval is also in place for Phase 1D (East) (17 units).
My Department awaits funding submissions and programme dates for the remaining phases.
The CNWQR programme runs until 2027, and it is envisaged that projects will be on-going until this date.