Robert Troy
Question:448. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will provide an update on a contributory pension investigation (details supplied). [18980/24]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 April 2024
448. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will provide an update on a contributory pension investigation (details supplied). [18980/24]
View answerThe state pension (contributory) entitlement of the person concerned was reviewed.
HomeCaring Periods were awarded from 25/09/1976 to 05/04/1987 and 06/04/1991 to 01/10/1999. This resulted in an increase in their weekly rate from €250.30 to €275.60, equivalent to 99.38% of the maximum rate. The increased rate issued to the person concerned on 26 April 2024.
The increased rate was backdated to the date the person reached 66. Arrears covering the period 9 August 2020 to 25 April 2024 have also issued.
This is the most financially beneficial rate of state pension (contributory) commensurate with the person's social insurance record.
I hope this clarifies the position for the Deputy.