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Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture hear about the benefits to Ireland of sustainable energy over the coming decade

20 Sep 2011, 18:01

Thousands of jobs, millions of Euros and an energy supply based on renewable, clean resources can be achieved the Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture heard today when they met and were briefed by officials from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) on the Authority’s Strategic Plan 2010-2015.

The Authority outlined some of the material benefits from the implementation of some of their programmes, including:

•    In 2011 80,000 homes will receive energy upgrades through the Better Energy Programme.  In turn this supports close of 6,000 full-time jobs.
•    A quarter of a billion euro will be spent in Ireland this year on energy efficiency work that will generate a lifetime saving of three quarters of a billion euro.
•    This is making homes more comfortable, energy more affordable, businesses more competitive and keeps contractors and construction workers in jobs.
•    Wind now accounts for more than 10 per cent of our electricity supply and resulting in reductions to our import dependence and our emissions at no additional cost.

Following the meeting, Andrew Doyle, TD, Chairman of the Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture said: \"Sustainable energy presents important opportunities to Ireland in its ability to create, protect and support jobs.  In the current climate this cannot be understated.  However, it is also important that we continue to invest in the long-term opportunities that can be created through marine energy, bio-energy, micro-generation and the smart grid.  We must not lose sight of the benefits that can be made in these sectors which will drive business costs down and enhance our sustainability.”

The Committee also highlighted the importance of identifying and alleviating the bottlenecks in rolling out renewable energy systems.

For further information please contact:
Cáit Hayes,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2

P: +3531 618 3883
M: 087-9190300
F: +3531 618 4551

Committee Membership
Tom Barry, Fine Gael
Michael Colreavy, Sinn Fein
Pat Deering, Fine Gael
Robert Dowds, Labour Party
Andrew Doyle, Fine Gael
Martin Ferris, Sinn Fein
Noel Harrington, Fine Gael
Martin Heydon, Fine Gael
Colm Keaveney, Labour Party
Mattie McGrath, Independent
Michael McNamara, Labour Party
Michael Moynihan, Fianna Fail
Éamon Ó Cuív, Fianna Fail
John O’Mahony, Fine Gael
Thomas Pringle, Independent
Michael Comiskey, Fine Gael
Paschal Mooney, Fianna Fail
Pat O’Neill, Fine Gael
Mary Ann O’Brien, Labour Party
Brian Ó Domhnaill, Fianna Fail
John Whelan, Labour Party