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Transport Committee to meet National Roads Authority

13 Nov 2012, 15:31

The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications will tomorrow meet with officials from the National Roads Authority (NRA) to discuss a number of significant issues related to Ireland’s road network.

13 November 2012  

Fred Barry, CEO of the NRA will address the Committee on:

  • Maintaining the quality of road surfaces;
  • Access to motorways, and
  • Developments in cross-border roads such as the A5.

Chairman of the Committee Tom Hayes TD says: “Tomorrow’s meeting is an opportunity to meet with Mr Barry and his colleagues at the NRA on a number of issues of concern. The Authority’s primary function, under the Roads Act 1993, is 'to secure the provision of a safe and efficient network of national roads'. For this purpose, it has overall responsibility for planning and supervision of construction and maintenance works on these roads.

“The NRA’s chief executive will update Members on the quality of road surfaces, access to and egress from motorways and the current status of cross-border road developments. Committee members will also have the opportunity to raise any issues or concerns they may have about our current roads programme.”

The meeting takes place tomorrow Wednesday 14 November at 9:30 a.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000.

Committee proceedings can be viewed online via this link.

For further information contact:
Paul Hand,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2
P: +353 1 618 4484
M: +353  87 694 9926

Committee Membership

Michael Colreavy, Sinn Féin
Timmy Dooley, Fianna Fáil
 Dessie Ellis, Sinn Féin
 Terence Flanagan, Fine Gael
 Tom Fleming, Independent
 Noel Harrington, Fine Gael
 Tom Hayes, Fine Gael (Chairman)
 Colm Keaveney, Labour
 Seán Kenny, Labour
Michael Moynihan, Fianna Fáil
 Patrick O’Donovan, Fine Gael
 John O’Mahony, Fine Gael (Vice-Chairman)
 Ann Phelan, Labour
 Brian Walsh, Fine Gael
 Terry Brennan
 Sean D. Barrett
 Eamonn Coghlan
 Paschal Mooney
 Ned O’Sullivan
 John Whelan
