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Agriculture Committee to resume discussions on harvesting rights

13 May 2013, 10:23

The Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine continues its series of discussions on the implications of the proposed sale of Coillte's harvesting rights when it meets with representatives from the IMPACT trade union tomorrow afternoon. Two IMPACT-commissioned reports , which assess the perceived consequences from such a sale, will form the basis the presentation.

Vice-Chairman of the Committee Pat Deering TD says: “Through a series of meetings, the Committee is providing a space for key stakeholders to debate the implications of any proposed sale of Coillte's harvesting rights. The hearings are intended to contribute to more informed public debate before any final decisions by Government are made. We have already heard the views of the Irish Timber Council, who represent the country's sawmills, and the Society of Irish Foresters, whose membership comprises predominantly of professional foresters. At tomorrow's meeting, representatives from the IMPACT trade union will outline their perspective on the proposed sale.” 
The meeting takes place at 2 pm tomorrow 14 May 2013 in Committee Room 3, LH 2000. It will commence with scrutiny of a series of EU legislative proposals COM(2013)226 and COM(2013)159, which relate to rural development supports, as well as the following non-priority proposals: COM(2013)137; COM(2013)185; COM(2013)187; COM(2013)188; COM(2013)189 and COM(2013)190.
Committee proceedings can be followed live here:
For further information contact:
Paul Hand,
Communications Unit,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2
P: +3531 618 4484
M: +353 87 6949926

Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine - Membership

Tom Barry, Fine Gael
Pat Deering, Fine Gael (Vice-Chair)
Martin Ferris, Sinn Féin
Andrew Doyle, Fine Gael (Chair)
Martin Heydon, Fine Gael
Colm Keaveney, Labour
Michael McNamara, Labour
Eamon Ó Cuiv, Fianna Fáil
Thomas Pringle, Independent

Michael Comiskey, Fine Gael
Paschal Mooney, Fianna Fáil
Pat O’Neill, Fine Gael
Mary Ann O’Brien, Independent
Brian Ó Domhnaill, Fianna Fáil
Susan O’Keeffe, Labour

