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Agriculture Committee to hear from Wicklow Uplands Council

17 Jun 2013, 11:49

Representatives from the Wicklow Uplands Council are before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine tomorrow 18 June to discuss their recent study to identify best practice in upland habitats in the county. The meeting is expected to conclude the series that the Committee has been hosting on commonage lands in recent months.

Operational in 1999, the Wicklow Upland Council has worked ‘to support the sustainable use of the Wicklow uplands through consensus and partnership with those who live, work and recreate there’. Their report points to the actions the Council believe are required to improve the management of upland vegetation.

Chairman of the Committee Andrew Doyle TD says : “The meeting tomorrow provides an opportunity for the Committee to hear the distinct perspective of the Wicklow Upland Council, an exemplary partnership involving a range of stakeholders in the Wicklow Mountains. The meeting is likely to conclude our discussions on the use of commonage lands, in which we’ve heard from farmers, government officials and a range of partnership organisations.

“Hearing the distinct voice of the Wicklow Upland Council will inform our Committee on how the agricultural, recreational and tourism dimensions of commonage lands can be most appropriately balanced. Any recommendations within the upcoming report will be grounded on the need for common-sense and flexibility on this issue.”

The meeting takes place at 2 pm tomorrow 18 June 2013 in Committee Room 3, LH 2000. It will commence in private with scrutiny of a series of EU proposals related to an integrated maritime policy, animal health and welfare and protective measures against pesticides. These include priority proposals COM (2013) 260, COM (2013) 262 and COM (2013) 267 and non-priority proposal COM (2013)243 and COM (2013) 250
Public proceedings of the Committee can be followed live here:


For further information contact:
Paul Hand,
Communications Unit,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2
P: +3531 618 4484
M: +353 87 6949926

Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine - Membership

Tom Barry, Fine Gael
Pat Deering, Fine Gael (Vice-Chair)
Martin Ferris, Sinn Féin
Andrew Doyle, Fine Gael (Chair)
Martin Heydon, Fine Gael
Colm Keaveney, Labour
Michael McNamara, Labour
Eamon Ó Cuiv, Fianna Fáil
Thomas Pringle, Independent

Michael Comiskey, Fine Gael
Paschal Mooney, Fianna Fáil
Pat O’Neill, Fine Gael
Mary Ann O’Brien, Independent
Brian Ó Domhnaill, Fianna Fáil
Susan O’Keeffe, Labour

