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Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Act 2014

(Act 11 of 2014)
Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013 (Bill 93 of 2013)

Bill entitled an Act to amend the law to authorise the taking of bodily samples from persons suspected of certain criminal offences for forensic testing; to provide for the taking of certain bodily samples from persons who volunteer to have such samples taken from them for the purpose of the investigation of offences or incidents that may have involved the commission of offences; to provide for the establishment and operation by Forensic Science Ireland of the Department of Justice and Equality of a DNA Database System; to provide for the taking of certain bodily samples from persons suspected or convicted of certain criminal offences for the purpose of generating DNA profiles in respect of those persons to be entered in the investigation division of the DNA Database System; to provide for the taking of certain bodily samples from certain persons for elimination purposes and, where appropriate, the entry of their DNA profiles in the DNA Database System; to provide for the taking of bodily samples from persons, or samples from things, for the purpose of generating DNA profiles in respect of those persons or missing persons to be entered in the identification division of the DNA Database System; to provide for the purposes of that System; to provide, in certain circumstances, for the destruction of samples taken under this Act and the destruction, or removal from the DNA Database System, of any DNA profiles generated from those samples; to repeal the Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence) Act 1990; to give effect to Council Decision 2008/615/JHA of 23 June 2008 and Council Decision 2008/616/JHA of 23 June 2008, the Agreement between the European Union and Iceland and Norway on the application of those two Council Decisions and an agreement between the State and another state insofar as those Council Decisions or agreements concern cooperation in relation to automated searching for or automated comparison of DNA data or automated searching for dactyloscopic data, as the case may be, and the exchange of such data and the reference data relating to them, by or between authorities which are responsible for the prevention, detection and investigation of criminal offences in the State and those other states or that other state, as the case may be; for that purpose to make provision for data protection and, in that regard, to amend the Data Protection Act 1988; to amend the Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance) Act 2008; to amend the International Criminal Court Act 2006; to give effect to Council Framework Decision 2009/905/JHA of 30 November 2009 on Accreditation of forensic service providers carrying out laboratory activities; to amend the criminal law relating to the taking of fingerprints and palm prints from certain persons; and to provide for related matters

Last updated: 22 Jun 2014

Sponsored by: Minister for Justice and Equality;

Source: Government

Originating House: Dáil Éireann

History of this Act

The Bill has been signed into law by the President.

22 Jun 2014

  • Dáil First Stage

    9 Sep 2013

    Dáil First Stage

    The Bill is initiated or presented to the House

    9 Sep 2013


  • Dáil Second Stage

    9 Oct 2013

    Dáil Second Stage

    The general principles of the Bill are debated

    9 Oct 2013


  • Dáil Third Stage

    9 Oct 2013

    Dáil Third Stage

    The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made

    (Also known as Committee Stage)

    9 Oct 2013


  • Dáil Fourth Stage

    1 May 2014

    Dáil Fourth Stage

    Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered

    (Also known as Report Stage)

    1 May 2014


  • Dáil Fifth Stage

    1 May 2014

    Dáil Fifth Stage

    Final statements on the Bill are made and it is set down for Second Stage in the Seanad

    (Also known as Final Stage)

    1 May 2014


  • Seanad First Stage


    Seanad First Stage

    The Bill is deemed to have passed Seanad First Stage



  • Seanad Second Stage

    27 May 2014

    Seanad Second Stage

    The general principles of the Bill are debated

    27 May 2014


  • Seanad Third Stage

    11 Jun 2014

    Seanad Third Stage

    The Bill is examined section by section and amendments may be made
    (Also known as Committee Stage)

    11 Jun 2014


  • Seanad Fourth Stage

    11 Jun 2014

    Seanad Fourth Stage

    Amendments arising out of Committee Stage are considered
    (Also known as Report Stage)

    11 Jun 2014


  • Seanad Fifth Stage

    11 Jun 2014

    Seanad Fifth Stage

    Final statements on the Bill are made
    (Also known as Final Stage)

    11 Jun 2014


  • Enacted

    22 Jun 2014


    The Bill is signed into law by the President

    22 Jun 2014



22 Jun 2014

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Act 2014

22 Jun 2014

An tAcht um Cheartas Coiriúil (Fianaise Dlí-Eolaíochta agus Córas Bunachair Sonraí DNA), 2014

12 Mar 2014

As amended in Committee/Select Committee (Dáil Eireann)

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013

9 Sep 2013

As initiated

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013

1 May 2013

As passed by Dáil Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013


10 Jun 2014

Committee Stage

Numbered List [Seanad]

29 Apr 2014

Report Stage

Numbered List [Dáil]

11 Mar 2014

Committee Stage

Numbered List [Dáil]


11 Jun 2014

Seanad Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Committee and Remaining Stages

27 May 2014

Seanad Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Second Stage

1 May 2014

Dáil Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Report and Final Stages

1 May 2014

Dáil Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Order for Report Stage

12 Mar 2014

Select Committee On Justice, Defence And Equality

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Committee Stage

9 Oct 2013

Dáil Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Referral to Select Committee

9 Oct 2013

Dáil Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed)

9 Oct 2013

Dáil Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Second Stage

9 Oct 2013

Dáil Éireann

Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database System) Bill 2013: Order for Second Stage
