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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 15 Nov 1922

Vol. 1 No. 28


To ask the Minister of Defence if he is aware that on September 9th, a motor car belonging to G. A. Callaghan, of 9 St. Clare's Terrace, Harold's Cross, his sole means of livelihood, was commandeered by Free State troops at Enniskerry; and that subsequently a receipt was given to Mr. Callaghan that the car went on fire and was burned out, which receipt he now holds, signed by a Lieutenant Walsh. And if he is aware that Mr. Callaghan's claim has been passed respectively by G.H.Q. Transport and by G.H.Q. Claims, and that, in spite of this, Mr. Callaghan is unable to have his claim paid. And if, in view of the fact that Mr. Callaghan's sole means of livelihood has been destroyed, his business connection ruined, and that he is now being dunned by creditors, whose demands he is unable to meet, through no fault of his own, he will cause this claim to be paid without further delay, and if he will, in addition, consider the payment of compensation to Mr. Callaghan, for the loss of business and business connection, over and above the actual loss of his car?

A motor car belonging to Mr. Callaghan was requisitioned at Enniskerry by Lieut. Walsh, in circumstances that justified the requisitioning. It was required to take a party of troops hurriedly after a party of Irregulars in the Scalp direction. On the return journey it would appear that the engine went on fire, and it was not possible to save the car. It is regretted that Mr. Callaghan has been caused inconvenience, and steps will be taken to see that the claim for compensation in respect of the loss of the car, will be assessed and paid at the earliest possible moment.
