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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 15 Nov 1922

Vol. 1 No. 28


Tairisgint ón Aire um Rialtas Aitiúil.
(Motion by the Minister for Local Government).

Gurb é oipineon na Dála so gur ceart na rialacha atá leagtha amach sa Liost atá scríbhte fé seo do chur i bhfeidhm i gcleachta na Reacht-shaoirse Pháirli- minte i Saorstát Éireann agus ar an abhar san orduítear anso don Aireacht na rialacha san do chur sa Bhille um Thoghchán atá le cur os cóir na Dála.

That this Dáil is of opinion that the regulations set out in the Schedule here under written should be applied to the exercise of the Parliamentary Franchise in Saorstát Éireann, and accordingly hereby instructs the Ministry to embody the same in the Electoral Bill intended to be laid before An Dáil.



1. Gach duine idir fireann agus buine- ann atá 'na shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann agus de lán-aois agus ná fuil fé aon mhí-chumas dlí beidh sé i dteideal é do chur uair amháin ar chlár na dtoghthóirí páirliminte de Shaorstát Éireann.

1. Every person, without distinction of sex who is a citizen of Saorstát Éireann and of full age and is not subject to any legal incapacity shall be entitled to be entered once on the register of parlia- mentary electors of Saorstát Éireann.

2. Féadfar gach duine den tsórt san mar roimh-ráite do chlárú mar thogh- thóir Pháirliminte i gcóir aon chinn de sna dáilcheantracha so leanas, eadhon:

2. Every such person as aforesaid may be registered as a Parliamentary elector in respect of any one of the following constituencies, viz.:

(a) an dáilcheantar 'na mbeidh gnáth-chomhnuí air ar an dáta a cheapfaidh an dlí mar an dáta tástála;

(a) the constituency in which he or she is ordinarily resident on the date fixed by law as the qualifying date;

(b) an dáilcheantar 'na mbeidh sé i seilbh tighe no áruis eile no aon choda de thigh no d'árus eile 'na aonar no i bpáirtíocht le duine no daoine eile i gcóir a thráchtála, a chéirde no a ghnótha;

(b) the constituency in which he or she occupies, for the purpose of his or her trade, profession, or business, the whole or any part of a house or other premises, either alone or in partnership with another or others;

(c) an dáilcheantar príomh-scoile 'na mbeidh príomh-scoil 'na bhfuair sé céim (lasmuigh de chéim onórach) no i gcás Príomh-scoile Bhaile Atha Cliath 'na bhfuair sé scoláireacht.

(c) the university constituency com prising a university in which he or she has received a degree (other than an honorary degree) or in the case of the University of Dublin has ob tained a scholarship.

3. Má bhíonn duine i dteideal bheith cláruithe i gcóir níos mó ná dáilcheantar amháin toghfa sé féin ce'ca de sna dáil cheantracha go gclárófar 'na chóir é.

3. If a person is qualified to be registered as a Parliamentary elector in respect of more than one constituency he or she shall choose in respect of which of those constituencies he or she shall be registered.

4. Ní féadfar aon bhall d'aon Fhórsa Póilíní a bheidh ar lán-thuarastal do chlárú mar thoghthóir Pháirliminte ná ní fhéadfa sé bhótáil ag aon toghchán chun an Oireachtais.

4. No member of any Police Force on full pay may be registered as a Par liamentary elector, or vote at any elec tion to the Oireachtas.

5. Aon duine a bheidh ag tabhairt seirbhíse uaidh mar bhall d'arm cosanta Shaorstáit Éireann ar lán-thuarastal agus a bheidh i dteideal bheith cláruithe mar thoghthóir Pháirliminte féadfar é chlárú mar sin sa dáilcheantar 'na mbeadh sé 'na ghnáth-chomhnuí mara mbeadh a sheirbhís.

5. Any person serving as a member of the defence force of Saorstát Éireann on full pay who is entitled to be regis tered as a Parliamentary elector may be so registered in the constituency in which he would but for his service be ordinarily resident.

6. Déanfar socrú le reachtúchán chun a chur i gcumas ball d'arm cosanta Shaorstáit Éireann ar lán-thuarastal bhótáil tríd an bpost ag aon toghchán baill no ball chun seirbhís do thabhairt uatha in aon Tigh den Oireachtas ach amháin mar roimh-ráite ná beidh aon duine i dteideal bhótáil tríd an bpost ná ná féadfar bhótáil ar a shon.

6. Provision shall be made by legis lation to enable members of the defence force of Saorstát Éireann on full pay to vote by post at any election of a member or members to serve in either House of the Oireachtas, but save as aforesaid, no person shall be entitled to vote by post or by proxy.

7. I ngach toghchán comhraic de níos mó ná beirt bhall chun seirbhís do thabhairt uatha in aon Tigh den Oireachtas i gcóir aon dáilcheantair déanfar an toghchán do réir ionaduí- ochta cothromúla agus sé an tslí ion- aduíochta cothromúla a úsáidfear ná an ceann san a oibrítear leis an aon bhóta aistrithe.

7. In every contested election of more than two members to serve in either House of the Oireachtas for any con- stituency the election shall be con ducted according to the principle of proportional representation, and the system of proportional representation to be used shall be that operating by way of the single transferable vote.
