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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 7 Dec 1922

Vol. 2 No. 2



To ask the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he is aware of the serious inconvenience and loss caused by the continued stoppage of the Railway service between Dundalk and Greenore, owing to a damaged bridge. If he will take the matter up with the Railway Company with the view of opening the line for traffic. If he can state whether it is a fact that passengers and goods are carried from Bellurgan to Newry at the same rate as from Greenore to Newry to the detriment of Dundalk, the natural market for the district, and if it is intended to continue this preferential treatment, and if he can say if that was the reason for interfering with the bridge.

The Ballymascanlon Viaduct on the Dundalk, Newry and Greenore Railway between Dundalk and Greenore was blown up some time ago. It was repaired by the Company and again blown up within ten days of its being repaired. Up to the present the Company did not consider it prudent to further repair the Viaduct, but they are now investigating the possibility of doing so. The Dundalk Chamber of Commerce is approaching the local Military Authorities with the object of securing protection for the Viaduct.

The Company deny that passengers and goods are conveyed from Bellurgan to Newry at the same fares and rates as from Greenore to Newry, and consequently this could not have been the reason for the dámage to the Viaduct. I have learned since I came to the Dáil that the Engineer has been instructed to proceed with temporary repairs immediately. I have just got that information from the Company.
