I desire to ask the light and leading of the Chair on a question of some difficulty, and that is the method by which one may address a question, in writing or verbally, to the Law Adviser of the Government, be he the Attorney-General or the Minister for Justice. I raise the question in the Dáil because I do not think it is a matter that ought to be brought forward on a motion, but I would like to know whether it is possible to ask questions on many legal and constitutional matters that crop up, either in writing or verbally. If not, would the Chairman bring it before the Procedure Committee, because obviously it is most unsatisfactory that Ministers who are not Law Advisers should be called on to answer legal and constitutional questions.
I have had no notice of this question, but I take it that questions cannot be asked in the Dáil of anybody who is not a member of the Dáil, and, as such, responsible for certain things. I think, also, that the matter of addressing a question in the Dáil to the Attorney-General could not be considered by the Committee on Procedure.