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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 8 Jun 1923

Vol. 3 No. 24


I beg to move the Fifth Stage of the Finance Bill, 1923.

The proposals in the Bill are such that to mark a protest against such Clauses as 6 and 7, it will be necessary to vote against the Bill on the Final Stage. I do not intend to repeat the arguments that were used against the Clause laying upon employers the duty of collecting Income Tax from their servants, or repeat the fear that such a provision is very likely to be a precedent for an extension of this system of asking employers to deduct from their employees, debts, whether public or private. It will also be necessary for us to vote against Clause 7, which puts into the power of the Collector of Income Tax the right to seize goods in circumstances which even for the period to which it is now confined, is not justifiable; and, further, notwithstanding the difficulties of the Government, the provisions of the Bill impose upon the country an unfair distribution of the burden, inasmuch as the necessities are overtaxed in comparison with luxuries. On these grounds I intend to vote against the motion.

Question put.
The Dáil divided: Tá, 30; Níl, 11.

  • Liam T. Mac Cosgair.
  • Seán O Maolruaidh.
  • Seán O Duinnín.
  • Mícheál O hAonghusa.
  • Liam de Róiste.
  • Pádraig Mag Ualghairg.
  • Darghal Figes.
  • Deasmhumhain Mac Gearailt.
  • Seán O Ruanaidh.
  • Risteárd Ó Maolchatha.
  • Eoin Mac Néill.
  • Liam Mag Aonghusa.
  • Pádraig Ó hOgáin.
  • Pádraic Ó Máille.
  • Seosamh Ó Faoileacháin.
  • Seoirse Mac Niocaill.
  • Fionán Ó Loingsigh.
  • Séamus Ó Cruadhlaoich.
  • Criostóir Ó Broin.
  • Caoimhghin Ó hUigín.
  • Próinsias Bulfin.
  • Aindriú Ó Láimhín.
  • Próinsias Mag Aonghusa.
  • Eamon Ó Dúgáin.
  • Peadar Ó hAodha.
  • Seosamh Mac Giolla Bhrighde.
  • Liam Mac Sioghaird.
  • Earnán de Blaghd.
  • Uinseann de Faoite.
  • Séamus de Burca.


  • Tomás de Nógla.
  • Tomás Mac Eoin.
  • Liam Ó Brioin.
  • Tomás Ó Conaill.
  • Aodh Ó Cúlacháin.
  • Séamus Éabhróid.
  • Risteárd Mac Liam.
  • Seán Ó Laidhin.
  • Cathal Ó Seanáin.
  • Domhnall Ó Muirgheasa.
  • Risteárd Mac Fheorais.
Motion declared carried.

This Bill is a Money Bill within the meaning of Article 35 of the Constitution.
