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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 19 Jul 1923

Vol. 4 No. 13


I ask the leave of the Dáil to have printed and circulated a Bill dealing with the final disposition of the affairs of the Courts set up by the Second Dáil and by the First Dáil. The Bill asks for the necessary statutory powers to wind up the business of the late Courts, and provision is made therein for the completion of the cases that were pending at the date of the abolition of these Courts, the hearing of appeals which were pending at that date, the registration and enforcement of decrees given by these Courts, the review of such decrees and whose correctness is questioned, and other matters arising out of the final winding up of the Courts.

I imagine that the main criticism of the Bill will be that it ought to have been introduced long since. We would have wished to introduce it many months ago, and we are aware that hardships did occur here and there owing to its non-introduction; but in the circumstances of the time it was necessary to have a sense of proportion, and to deal first with the more important and more urgent matters. I move for leave to introduce the Bill.

I second the motion.

Motion put and agreed to.
Second Reading ordered for Tuesday, July 24th.