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Dáil Éireann debate -
Friday, 23 May 1924

Vol. 7 No. 13


asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware that John Clarke, of 63 Emmet Road, Inchicore, applied for an old age pension on 28th January, 1924; that his claim was rejected on the grounds of insufficient evidence of age; that he was born on the 2nd March, 1849, in Stradbally, Leix; that records of birth are only available as from 1864 in the Unions of Athy and Mountmellick, and whether he will favourably consider the granting of the old age pension to Mr. Clarke and accept the evidence of age of that of his sister, Eleanor, who was six years younger, and who has obtained her baptismal certificate, dated for 21st October, 1855, and whether he is aware that the Great Southern and Western Railway's record, where Clarke was last employed, show that he attained the age of 70 on the 2nd March, 1919.

The claim in this case was disallowed on the 11th ultimo by the local Pensions Committee. An appeal was then lodged by the claimant. The evidence of age put forward has since been examined and considered satisfactory, and it has now been decided to allow the full pension as from date of receipt of the claim.
