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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 12 Aug 1924

Vol. 8 No. 22


asked the Minister for Defence whether he is aware that the pension of £114 per annum, granted to Mrs. Mary O'Donoghue, of 2, St. Brigid Street, Cork, whose husband, Captain Patrick O'Donoghue, Quartermaster of the 2nd Battalion, Cork 1st Brigade, was killed by British forces on the 23rd November, 1920, has been made payable as from 1st March, 1924; if he will state whether this is contrary to the provisions of the Pensions Scheme, which states that the payment of such pensions would be made retrospective, as from April, 1922.

asked the Minister for Defence whether he is aware that the pension of £114 per annum granted to Mrs. Catherine Trahey, of 23, Dunbar Street, Cork, whose husband, Vice-Commandant Patrick Trahey, 2nd Battalion, Cork No. 1 Brigade, was killed by British forces on the 23rd November, 1920, has been made payable as from 1st March, 1924; if he will state whether this is contrary to the provisions of the Pensions Scheme, which states that the payment of such pensions would be made retrospective, as from April, 1922.

Questions Nos. 6 and 7 are being taken together. Pensions of £114 a year have been granted to Mrs. O'Donoghue and Mrs. Trahey, payable as from the 1st April, 1924. As regards this date, the Deputy appears to be under a misapprehension regarding the application of sub-section 8 (2) of the Army Pensions Act, 1923. Section 8 of that Act in effect adapts Section 7 for application to cases similar to those in question. The sub-section referred to must, therefore, be read in conjunction with sub-section 7 (2), which gives the Minister for Defence discretion in fixing the date of commencement of payment of a pension. Having regard to Mrs. O'Donoghue's and Mrs. Trahey's circumstances prior to the 1st April last, that date was appointed in their cases.
