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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 22 Oct 1924

Vol. 9 No. 1


asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he will state when he expects to receive the reports of the Committee on Health Insurance and Medical Services, and of the Commission on Local Government in Dublin City and County, and whether he anticipates that the recommendations of these bodies will affect the proposals contained in the Local Government Bill.

The report of the first mentioned Committee is a matter for the Minister for Finance, but I understand that it is expected before the end of the year. Having regard to the extensive issues involved, it is much too soon to form a definite opinion as to when the report of the Greater Dublin Commission of Inquiry will be available. Care has been taken in the drafting of the amendments to the Local Government Bill to secure that nothing will be included which will militate against the acceptance of the recommendations to follow from the reports of the two Commissions referred to. The Deputy is no doubt aware that in accordance with undertakings which have been given, it is proposed to exclude Dublin City and County from the Bill pending the report of the Greater Dublin Commission of Inquiry.
