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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 22 Oct 1924

Vol. 9 No. 1


I ask leave to introduce a Bill and to have it printed and circulated to validate certain schemes for the supply of seeds in agricultural districts that suffered considerably as the result of the shortage in the supply of seed potatoes, and seed corn last year. The Bill is to validate the action we took in giving facilities for the supply of these seeds, and also to validate the action of the County Councils in borrowing for that purpose, and to validate the action taken in regard to providing machinery for the repayment of loans by people who benefited under the schemes. The Bill also proposes to validate certain schemes of a similar kind put into operation in 1921 and 1922. There is nothing very important in the measure, which is more or less of a routine character.

Question put and agreed to.
Second Stage ordered for Wednesday, October 29th.