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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 4 Nov 1924

Vol. 9 No. 8


asked the Minister for Local Government and Public Health if he is aware of the insanitary state of Gorey town, in consequence of a bad water supply in that area; if he has received applications from the Rural District Council, and Town Commissioners, asking that money should be advanced by his Department with a view to providing a proper supply, and if he will state what are his intentions regarding the matter.

I am aware of the need for an improved water supply for the town of Gorey, as representations have recently been made to my Department in this matter by the Gorey Rural District Council and the Gorey Town Commissioners. The Rural District Council as Sanitary Authority for the district is the body empowered to remedy the present defective water supply. The Council have been asked to formulate definite and detailed proposals of their scheme, and when this is done I shall give the matter consideration. The Council have asked that by way of relieving unemployment a grant be allocated towards carrying out the necessary improvements, and they were informed in August last that if their proposals were found satisfactory the question of a grant would be taken up with the Minister for Finance. A definite decision in the matter of a grant cannot, however, be given until detailed particulars of the Council's scheme have been received and examined.
